Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mandy~Night 3 of Plateau Breaker

Well a disappointing run at my latest plateau breaker. I ended up gaining 8 pounds by night 2, but thankfully am back down as of today to my original 202.6 that I started at.

I am hoping that by just eating "clean" (lean protein and veggies) for another week after this 3 day stint I will drop below 200. ( My mini goal before I leave for Vegas next Wed.)

Well, I had been warned that this could happen, so I am not to surprised I gained within the plateau breaker.

Just want to be at my goal by June.


  1. Mandy...praise your self for what you have accomplished... This is Aiden and Elly's grandma from Buffalo... been following you along with Amy... determination and attitude are your two best friends.... Keep going...
