Friday, December 10, 2010

Amy - End of Week 2

Well, I survived the week! I did 2x lower body, 1x upper and 2 cardio days. Yesterday's cardio was insane - 50 minutes of abs alternating with laps outside with your partner.

My weight is up about 3-4 lbs from when I started but I know it's muscle/water. The good news is they measured my body fat today. I was expecting high 20's and it came out as............. 14%. Holy crap - that would have been my goal!

The downside of that is now I wonder if I will look much different at the end of 20 weeks. I did ask him about loose skin. He said this program would help tighten it up some. Some is all I am asking for. I don't want to have plastic surgery b/c of the risks involved AND the cost. But, I want my arms, stomach and thighs to firm up and now I wonder if the "jiggle" is just skin since it's not fat.

Well, only time will tell. At least at the end of the program I will be healthy and strong. I know I have to look better, even if it's not as good as I hoped.

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