Friday, December 31, 2010

End of Week 5

Just got back from the gym. 2 days cardio this week, 2 days weights. I missed Monday due to migraine coming off caffiene, but now I am caffiene free.

Feeling pretty good about my progress. I still have a lot of doubt about how much it's really going to change my appearance.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Amy - End of Week 4

Good week. I am getting stronger and stronger on the weights. I asked my trainer today if I could do cardio at the home on weight days (1 mile on the treadmill). He told me to go for it, but not to do more than that. I think I need more cardio to burn the fat off. I still have a lot on my arms and other areas are still too pudgy. I hope that my upping the cardio it will help.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Amy - End of Week 3

Here's a big woohoooo for the end of Week 3. This week was MWF cardio, T/Th weights. I started getting the kids' cold on Tuesday. On Friday, I overslept and woke up at 4:30 totally stuffed up. Since it was too late to go and I felt awful, I skipped it, but I went in today. I went to the 2nd location since there was where my trainer was at today. There are only two classes at each location on a Saturday (7:00 and 8:00); I went to the 7:00. I liked the gym, it seemed "cleaner." I started with a run outside. This time I did 1.5 miles. The trainer complimented my running ability which made me feel good. I know 1.5 miles is still "small potatoes" but for someone who could barely run a mile their whole life, I am feeling pretty good.

After the run, we did some arm weight cardio stuff, then abs. I still can't do a sit up without someone holding my knees, but I know I will get there. I am going to have Eric help me at home.

I am still up 3-4 lbs on the scale, but it's holding there, so I will take it. Today is my cheat meal. I will probably still run tomorrow even though it's my rest day.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Amy - 2.5 Weeks in - Progress Pics

Shot some pics after my arm workout this am.

I can definitely see a diffference in the stomach. My shirt is not as tight and my abs look smaller and feel tighter.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Amy Week 3 - Day 1

I did great today! We ran a mile on a new "course" and I ran the entire time without stopping and it actually felt pretty good. It was only 32 out too, but we warmed up quickly.

After our warm-up, we worked on bikes for about 20 min.

Then came abs. I am still pathetic on abs, but I get stronger each time.

I can definitely see a difference in my clothing - I have less "muffin top" in my jeans and the pair of jeans I bought only about a month ago in a size 4 are already loser. They actually fit now like they probably should have when I bought them.

At this rate, I might not have any muffin top left by Christmas!

On a side note - had my weekly cheat meal (we HAVE to have it) on Saturday. Pasta for dinner and cheesecake for dessert. Oh and a glass of wine!!!!! I haven't had a glass of wine since March. It was heavenly and there was no guilt. Of course I jumped right back on plan Sunday; I have never had a problem doing that. It's just nice that that the cheat meal is required, not something you do and then feel like crap about later.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Amy - End of Week 2

Well, I survived the week! I did 2x lower body, 1x upper and 2 cardio days. Yesterday's cardio was insane - 50 minutes of abs alternating with laps outside with your partner.

My weight is up about 3-4 lbs from when I started but I know it's muscle/water. The good news is they measured my body fat today. I was expecting high 20's and it came out as............. 14%. Holy crap - that would have been my goal!

The downside of that is now I wonder if I will look much different at the end of 20 weeks. I did ask him about loose skin. He said this program would help tighten it up some. Some is all I am asking for. I don't want to have plastic surgery b/c of the risks involved AND the cost. But, I want my arms, stomach and thighs to firm up and now I wonder if the "jiggle" is just skin since it's not fat.

Well, only time will tell. At least at the end of the program I will be healthy and strong. I know I have to look better, even if it's not as good as I hoped.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mandy~Night 3 of Plateau Breaker

Well a disappointing run at my latest plateau breaker. I ended up gaining 8 pounds by night 2, but thankfully am back down as of today to my original 202.6 that I started at.

I am hoping that by just eating "clean" (lean protein and veggies) for another week after this 3 day stint I will drop below 200. ( My mini goal before I leave for Vegas next Wed.)

Well, I had been warned that this could happen, so I am not to surprised I gained within the plateau breaker.

Just want to be at my goal by June.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Here I am.. Challendged Chick #2~ Mandy

Me today 50 lbs lighter

Well, my story is simple. I am a very busy mother of 2 little girls, run my own online boutique, am on the board of or PTA, and Troop leader to 19 girl scout daisies. I have never been one to put myself before others ever, and "NO" is generally not in my vocabulary if some one asks something of me. (Except my kids, that's

I started the original plan, slim4life, on 8-9-10 as a 250lbs 5'10" woman.

As of today I have lost 48 pounds, and I still have about another 50 to go to hit my personal goal.

Today I started my plateau breaker of beef and green veggies. Got all my water in I needed to today.

Will weigh back in on Wed or Thursday to post my results. I am hoping to see 5 pounds gone by day 3. Last time I did this it was 12 pounds in 3 days, but that was the first 3 days of my weight loss adventure. I am not expecting those numbers again.

Amy - Day 5

Today was different. We had a new trainer (he alternates weeks with the other trainer). He was busy with the new members we had today, so we were left pretty much alone. I didn't have that feeling someone was riding me which was good and bad. We did lower body - man I wish my upper body was as strong as my lower.

Tomorrow is cardio. It will be interesting to see how this trainer runs it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Amy - Day 4

Good day today - I ran my mile with no break in between. Decent time.

Then we did bikes inside. We had to do this push up thing from one end of the room to the other. I could not do it really at all, but I did my best and nobody yelled at me - just cheered me on.

Week 1 Done!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Amy - Day 3

Well, today was actually pretty good - there was only one exercise I could barely complete! We did have to all run 1/2 mile for some motivation, but I know deep down it's good for me. I didn't called Slim 4 Life today either. :) My trainer gave me good advice on some protein shakes.

I bought a size 4 pair of pants from Express last night (Express stuff is cut small) and they fit!

Very motivating.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Amy - Day 2

Today was my first cardio day. We started off by all doing 50 push-ups each b.c another member had eaten 1/2 of a baked potato for dinner. My arms were so sore from yesterday, but I managed to whip out 50 poorly executed girly ones.

Then we went outside to run in the 37 degree weather 3/4 of a mile. After that we had cone sprints then the other 1/4 mile.

I was very proud of myself because I did all the running - I haven't run a real mile outside in years, so this was a big motivator for me.

The poor part of my workout was done inside - ab work. I could only do about 15 sit-ups and then had to cheat by using my legs to help me get up for the rest. For the leg raises, I could only do about 3 or 4 b/c my legs were shot from running. It was a pathetic sight I'm sure, but I did my best attempting to do more with my legs shaking all over the place. My partner was very supportive though and helped keep my spirits up. I did fine with crunches because they aren't as hard.

Then headed home fell back asleep and barely made it to work on time!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Amy - Gym Day 1

Well, I did it - I'm up. Well, I have actually been up since about 1 am with insomnia. Not about going to the gym, work stress.

Anyway, I took a few Day 1 pics- they aren't the best quality since the lighting is low.

Okay, now it's time to leave. Wish me luck!

Well, I'm back - today was arms. Pretty much 45 minutes straight of arm work. I can barely lift my arms, but I survived. The trainer was personable but tough. When the three of us newbies were quiet in the beginning, he made us go out in the freezing cold and run. I learned to be more vocal after coming inside. The trainer is not a fan of Slim 4 Life - in fact that's his nickname for me. He told me I could not have my Slim 4 Life drinks anymore and also told me no more coffee. He did say it didn't look like I had lost over 100 pounds which was nice. It's def. like boot camp. I am hoping I can survive tomorrow.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Gym - Signing Up

Well, I did it - went to the gym and signed up. Now every M-F at 4:30 am that's where I will be.

I am nervous, but at the same time confident. I know I can do this. I know that in April when I contract is up, I will look back and feel on top of the world.

I wasn't in love with the trainer/owner who signed me up, but I had already prepared myself for that. The only thing that truly shocked me was when he asked me if I had had any surgery after losing 110 pounds. I told him no; then he asked me if I needed it for loose skin.

Here was my response. "Well, I am not going to be a Victoria's Secret Model anytime soon, but no, I don't have sheets of loose skin hanging off me either."

Starting Point - Amy

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone. I did pretty well. I only indulged on Thanksgiving instead of the whole week. I am still up 2-3 lbs but it should flush out soon.

Tonight I go to the gym to sign up. I am not looking forward to the 4:30 am workouts, but I am looking forward to seeing how strong I can get.

Here is a pic of me from Thanksgiving - not too bad for a girl who lost over 100 pounds.... I hate the tattoo, but it's half way done with laser removal, so I am working on getting rid of it!

Here is a pic from the same week looking a little less washed out.....

For anyone out there who might actually read this, here's a little history of my struggle with weight.....

I totally grew up as the fat kid. I was normal/thin till about 3rd/4th grade when I started getting chubby. By middle school I was fat. By high school - huge! Senior year I weighed 240 pounds.

No one really ever told me I was fat. Well, the kids at school made fun of me and the girls in middle school were viscous. Adults though, no. They told me I was beautiful....... I knew I really wasn't, but I lived in a house with two very overweight parents and eating bad food and too much bad food was normal. It wasn't till right before I got married in early 2000 that I started a diet. It wasn't actually for my wedding. I went for an OBGYN checkup and the doctor was brutally honest about my weight. I remember going home and crying my eyes out. But her honesty was my wake-up call.

I started reading all kinds of diet books and Dr. Atkin's book really hit home with me. I also found great support on a low-carb site (see links).

On our honeymoon, already down to 200 - I don't have pics of myself at 240.

A year later, I was down 80 lbs. I was a normal-sized woman. Not skinny, but normal. Then, I started watching my calories and fat and working out - woosh down to 140 and a size 4/6 a few months later.... I even went on the Montel Show and was in FIRST.... Then came the babies and baby weight. I did pretty good with my son, but I had a really hard time getting the weight off after my daughter. Along with a cross-country move that didn't sit well with me, I packed on about 50 pounds. Stuck somewhere in between thin and fat, I found Slim 4 Life... It appealed to my lowcarb beliefs and gave me a WW type accountability due to the weekly weigh-ins. I started in March 2010. Now I am at 135 and a size 4. So now comes the fitness journey. It's time to tone up and get lean.