Friday, February 18, 2011

End of Week 11 - Amy

Well, to sum it up - I have went from 13% body fat to 10.5%. I don't have much left to lose before I start looking like a guy.

Someone at the gym today called me Speedy G. when I was running.

I don't think I have ever been called that in my life. In fact, I know I haven't.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Start of Week 11

I have got to get caught up. We have been hit with nearly two solid weeks of bad weather and I haven't made it to the gym much because of it.

This week, we are back to normal.

I am still struggling with the diet. Ever since I have started having cheat meals again, I don't feel well. I did space this one out to be 2 weeks apart, but still feel yucky this morning.

I am going back on the Slim4Life cleanse this week and I think I am going to stick more to their guidelines at least for a few weeks to see how I feel.

The downside of this is I basically have to make up my diary for the gym, since they would find the Slim4Life plan unacceptable.

I do sort of look forward to finishing my 20 weeks and moving on to working out on my own. There are things I like about the gym, but their views on nutrition are pretty limited.